Sunday, March 31, 2013

16 Dots, 6 Lines

  This riddle, is the sequel of the 9 Dots, 4 Lines Riddle.

 Look at the 16 dots in this image. Can you draw 6 straight lines, without picking up your pen, that go through all 16 dots?

Saturday, March 30, 2013

The wise man

 A caliph, shortly before his death, wanted to decide which of his two sons will take his place.He called them and told them to go in the desert and make a race with their camels to the caliphate. He told them that the winner will be the one with the camel who will finish second!

So, the two young men brought their camels in the desert, but none of them started the race and they didn't know what to do. They see a man and deciede to ask his opinion on how to solve the problem. The wise man whispers something to them and immediately take the two camels and start running towards the caliphate.

What the wise man told them?

Friday, March 29, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What is the direction of the bus, Left or Right

 Look carefully at the picture and see if you can come up with the correct answer. You just have to put your mind to it an you will know, it`s really simple.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Can you draw the figure

Is it possible to draw the figure with one continuous line without lifting your pencil and without overlapping sections?

Monday, March 25, 2013

8 Queens On A Chessboard

 In chess, queens can move horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, as far as they like, as shown in the picture. We say that a queen can "attack" another piece if it can move into the other piece on the next move. How can you place 8 queens on a chessboard such that none of the queens can attack each other?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Random Airplane Seats

 People are waiting in line to board a 100-seat airplane. Steve is the first person in the line. He gets on the plane but suddenly can't remember what his seat number is, so he picks a seat at random. After that, each person who gets on the plane sits in their assigned seat if it's available, otherwise they will choose an open seat at random to sit in.

 The flight is full and you are last in line. What is the probability that you get to sit in your assigned seat?

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Hardest Riddle Ever

 A man is on the fine line between genius and insane. His inventions and cures have saved the lives of millions yet he has committed horrible crimes. The king has no idea what to do with him, so he lets the man make his own choice with a twist. 

 The king summons the genius to his castle, and when he arrives he finds three IDENTICAL knights standing before him. One of grey, one of gold, and one of black. The king explains that the man will choose a single knight to decide his fate. If he chose the golden knight he will be set free. If he chose the grey knight he will be put in a dungeon for the rest of his life. If he chose the black knight he will be executed. 

 The golden knight only told truth, the grey knight randomly told truth and lies, and the black knight only told lies. All knights only answered yes or no but they spoke ra and ja. The man did not know which meant which. The king finally explained that the man could only ask three question. Without batting an eye the man asked the three questions and walked out happy and free. What did he ask? 

Edit: The man can only ask the question to one particular knight. Also he can ask 1 knight 3 question if he wanted to, he doesn't have to ask one each. The king does not choose the knight!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Measuring Gallons of Water

 You have two jugs, one that holds exactly 3 gallons, and one that holds exactly 5 gallons. Using just these two jugs and a fire hose, how can you measure out exactly 4 gallons of water?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The spider and the fly (Greek Version)

 In the picture we see that in the point (A) is a spider and in (B) a fly. What is the shortest path that can make the spider along the surface of the adjacent cylindrical shape to catch the fly.

 This puzzle is a variation on the puzzle "the spider and the fly", but much more difficult.